3rd in series of the Epic Productions, produced and directed by Chaim Itzkowitz. Co-directed by: Hertzka Rosenberg, Stage Manager: Shia Melamed, Makeup by: Moshe Grunfeld, Davon C. (shading) and Shmuli Goldstien (assistant). Perfomed at the mijestic NJPAC in Newark, NJ, April 2018. Storyline: In 1957, Shraga, a father of 2 had difficulties leaving the Russian Communism. His boss Voichek "helps" him with fake papers and passports while sending his uncle Oleg to keep him back from leaving the country, since he's well needed as an employee. Shraga's 2 kids with the help of an American volunteer, save Shraga from the cooold Siberia.
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3rd in series of the Epic Productions, produced and directed by Chaim Itzkowitz. Co-directed by: Hertzka Rosenberg, Stage Manager: Shia Melamed, Makeup by: Moshe Grunfeld, Davon C. (shading) and Shmuli Goldstien (assistant).
Perfomed at the mijestic NJPAC in Newark, NJ, April 2018.
Storyline: In 1957, Shraga, a father of 2 had difficulties leaving the Russian Communism. His boss Voichek "helps" him with fake papers and passports while sending his uncle Oleg to keep him back from leaving the country, since he's well needed as an employee.
Shraga's 2 kids with the help of an American volunteer, save Shraga from the cooold Siberia.